Over this summer I've been volunteering with CEF(Child Evangelism Fellowship) off and on, doing day camps. I'm pretty much a counselor, answering questions and filling in little teaching jobs that need to be done. But mostly my job is just to sit with the children, separating fighting brothers, keeping restless children under check and trying to motivate the kids that think they're to old for this 'boring kid stuff'.
I love every thing about it. The secret smile that little girl, sitting in font of me gives me when she thinks no one is looking. The cheeky but slightly guilty grin the little boy gives after I catch him bugging his neighbor with a loose shoe.
I love hugging the child who is having a bad day as we sit and listen to the story, and the way they pull me into whatever game that is being played with a little smirk on their face.
But I think my favorite part of this job, is hearing all the funny things kids say during the day and watching all the leaders going red in the face with the effort of holding back there laughter at whatever little joey said.
When all the kids have left for the day, then we laugh until our sides hurt and tears are rolling down our faces. These funny story's and quotes are retold all summer long and because of them the summer is sweet.
"Dear lord, Thank you that Kaiti didn't die and thank you for her being so nice."
-Jordan, praying.