Go ahead, drive the nails in My hands;
Laugh at me... where you stand.
Go ahead, and say it isn't Me;
The day will come... when you will see.
'Cause I'll rise.... again;
Ain't no power on earth can keep Me down!
Yes, I'll rise... again;
Death can't keep Me in the ground.
Go ahead, mock My name;
My love for you is still the same.
Go ahead, and bury Me;
But very soon, I will be free!
(Refrain) (Instrumental bridge)
Go ahead, and say I'm dead and gone,
But you will see that you were wrong.
Go ahead, try to hide the Son;
But all will see that I'm the One!
(Final refrain)
'Cause I'll come again!
Ain't no power on earth can keep me back!
Yes, I'll come again;
Come to take My people back.
Dallas Holm & Praise - Rise Again Lyrics
I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions. ~James Michener
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Just a little something I wrote for my English class last quarter, the class I loved to pieces. We had so much fun:)
Loud, sharp continues noises, grinding mixing, floating in and out of hearing.
The faint melody of overhead music is barely audible, almost drowned out by conversations going on around me.
Just white noise.
That bitter taste overwhelms my tongue, creamy and strong nearly scorching the roof of my mouth as I try to savor it.
Good dark coffee .
The smell of ground coffee beans drifts by, freshly ground, releasing their aroma to the full room.
It covers my clothes and hair with the smell of roasted coffee. And as I walk out, the scent drifts with me and lingers in the wool of my clothes for hours after.
Loud, sharp continues noises, grinding mixing, floating in and out of hearing.
The faint melody of overhead music is barely audible, almost drowned out by conversations going on around me.
Just white noise.
That bitter taste overwhelms my tongue, creamy and strong nearly scorching the roof of my mouth as I try to savor it.
Good dark coffee .
The smell of ground coffee beans drifts by, freshly ground, releasing their aroma to the full room.
It covers my clothes and hair with the smell of roasted coffee. And as I walk out, the scent drifts with me and lingers in the wool of my clothes for hours after.
Monday, April 11, 2011
I Will Wait For You.......
This is amazing. Kudos and many thanks to Claire who first descovered it:)
But just to warn you, once you begin watching these testimonies of such extraordinary artists, it's really hard to stop. I was up to midnight last night...just saying.
But just to warn you, once you begin watching these testimonies of such extraordinary artists, it's really hard to stop. I was up to midnight last night...just saying.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Love Crucified Arose.......
I have a YouTube playlist that I recently created, which contains some of my favorite Easter songs and Christian artists that I've grown up listening to. With only Easter 11 songs on this playlist, I often tend to put it on shuffle and let the songs play through in one continues loop, over and over, pretty much any time I have my computer open.
These songs bring back memories of Sunday afternoons and driving home from church. I have vivid memories of certain family members, (the most memorable of which was my dad) dancing to the tunes in the kitchen and all of us singing at the top of our lungs to old Michael Card cd's or the classics of Randy Travis.
The lyrics to some of those older Christian artists are so full of the gospel and seem to have much more of a solid theological message, which is deeper than what many Christian artists’ play on the radio today.
One song that never grows old for me is Michael Cards "Love Crucified Arose"
Long ago He blessed the earth
Born older than the years
And in the stall a cross He saw
Through the first of many tears
A life of homeless wandering
Cast out in sorrow's way
The Shepherd seeking for the lost
His life, the price He paid
Love crucified, arose
The Risen One in splendor
Jehovah soul Defender
Has won the victory
Love crucified, arose
And the grave became a place of hope
For the heart that sin and sorrow broke
Is beating once again
Throughout Your life You felt the weight
Of what You'd come to give
To drink for us that crimson cup
So we might really live
At last the time to love and die
The dark appointed day
That one forsaken moment
When Your Father turned His face away
Love crucified, arose
The One who lived the died for me
Was Satan's nail-pierced casualty
Now He's breathing once again
Love crucified, arose
And the grave became a place of hope
For the heart that sin and sorrow broke
Is beating once again
Love crucified, arose
The Risen One in splendor
Jehovah soul defender
Has won the victory
Love crucified, arose
And the grave became a place of hope
for the heart that sin and sorrow broke
is beating once again
Love crucified, arose
The One who lived and died for me
Was Satan's nail-pierced casualty
Now He's breathing once again.
Another favorite of mine is this song by Dallas Holm
These songs bring back memories of Sunday afternoons and driving home from church. I have vivid memories of certain family members, (the most memorable of which was my dad) dancing to the tunes in the kitchen and all of us singing at the top of our lungs to old Michael Card cd's or the classics of Randy Travis.
The lyrics to some of those older Christian artists are so full of the gospel and seem to have much more of a solid theological message, which is deeper than what many Christian artists’ play on the radio today.
One song that never grows old for me is Michael Cards "Love Crucified Arose"
Long ago He blessed the earth
Born older than the years
And in the stall a cross He saw
Through the first of many tears
A life of homeless wandering
Cast out in sorrow's way
The Shepherd seeking for the lost
His life, the price He paid
Love crucified, arose
The Risen One in splendor
Jehovah soul Defender
Has won the victory
Love crucified, arose
And the grave became a place of hope
For the heart that sin and sorrow broke
Is beating once again
Throughout Your life You felt the weight
Of what You'd come to give
To drink for us that crimson cup
So we might really live
At last the time to love and die
The dark appointed day
That one forsaken moment
When Your Father turned His face away
Love crucified, arose
The One who lived the died for me
Was Satan's nail-pierced casualty
Now He's breathing once again
Love crucified, arose
And the grave became a place of hope
For the heart that sin and sorrow broke
Is beating once again
Love crucified, arose
The Risen One in splendor
Jehovah soul defender
Has won the victory
Love crucified, arose
And the grave became a place of hope
for the heart that sin and sorrow broke
is beating once again
Love crucified, arose
The One who lived and died for me
Was Satan's nail-pierced casualty
Now He's breathing once again.
Another favorite of mine is this song by Dallas Holm
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Singing the Rainy Day Blues....
If any picture comes close to describing what today was like, than this one would.

Bleh. It's just bleh....
For the past two days the weather has been consistently dousing us by raining....no pouring, buckets of cold, feet soaking, body drenching, heavy spring rain on us day in and day out.

Today was no better. It was one of those days when I really wanted to spend the whole day curled up in my big warm bed, with music blasting from an open computer, a good book in one hand and cup of hot tea steaming within reach. And I would have spent my entire day in this toasty bliss, if it weren't for my last minute decision to brave the storm and go for a day trip into Bellingham with some of my family. A day trip which turned out to be one of the best rainy day field trips I have ever been on.

We went to a place called the Mindport in downtown Bellingham, newly discovered by my family and one of their new favorites. I had never been to the Mindport before and was curious to find out what was so fascinating about this place. The name alone was intriguing. I was amazed. For just two dollars we were allowed admittance into probably one of the best children's museums I have ever been in. Everything was completely hands on and a beautiful example of what is created when art meets science. I think everything in the Mindport was made by local people from Bellingham. Everything was so beautiful and so creative, I almost didn't want to leave, but the doughnut shop just down the street was calling, so we left and walked across the street to the local Rocket Doughnuts. Hot Latte's and a warm maple bacon topped doughnut for me (I just had to try it) were a nice treat. It's amazing what sugar and caffeine can do to lift your spirits!
Spring has officially arrived and right now, I couldn't be happier:)

Bleh. It's just bleh....
For the past two days the weather has been consistently dousing us by raining....no pouring, buckets of cold, feet soaking, body drenching, heavy spring rain on us day in and day out.

Today was no better. It was one of those days when I really wanted to spend the whole day curled up in my big warm bed, with music blasting from an open computer, a good book in one hand and cup of hot tea steaming within reach. And I would have spent my entire day in this toasty bliss, if it weren't for my last minute decision to brave the storm and go for a day trip into Bellingham with some of my family. A day trip which turned out to be one of the best rainy day field trips I have ever been on.

We went to a place called the Mindport in downtown Bellingham, newly discovered by my family and one of their new favorites. I had never been to the Mindport before and was curious to find out what was so fascinating about this place. The name alone was intriguing. I was amazed. For just two dollars we were allowed admittance into probably one of the best children's museums I have ever been in. Everything was completely hands on and a beautiful example of what is created when art meets science. I think everything in the Mindport was made by local people from Bellingham. Everything was so beautiful and so creative, I almost didn't want to leave, but the doughnut shop just down the street was calling, so we left and walked across the street to the local Rocket Doughnuts. Hot Latte's and a warm maple bacon topped doughnut for me (I just had to try it) were a nice treat. It's amazing what sugar and caffeine can do to lift your spirits!
Spring has officially arrived and right now, I couldn't be happier:)
Monday, March 14, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
The Loneliest Whale in the World

Since 1992 scientist's have been tracking what they have called the loneliest whale in the world, a baleen whale who doesn't travel with other whales, she doesn't even have a family. For her entire life she has been alone, singing and waiting for a response. It wasn't until recently that scientist's discovered what was wrong. Most whales sing in a range between 12hz and 25hz when they're signaling to each other and communicating among the pack. But this poor baleen whale sings at 51.75hz. She is singing but none of the other whales can hear her! Not only that but she isn't traveling along the normal route the other whales would be traveling on, so other baleen whales don't even know she's there.
If only she knew how many people were talking about her.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Facebook Letters, the modern form of communication;)
One snowy day in November, during Thanksgiving break, I opened my in-box to find a letter waiting for me! My dear friend Tabitha had decided to become creative in the middle of a snowstorm we were having and send me this letter, via facebook! The following is our short correspondence over the long miles of internet.
My dearest Caroline Rose Farris,
Greetings and salutations from the house of St. Arbucks. I have been here now for ten minutes enjoying the most attentive service of the local. I have in my hand a curious beverage which the locals call coffee (they say it will be all the rage in about one hundred years, and I might concur). The gentleman who served me my beverage added a yellow liquid to my coffee which adds greatly to the fire. I only wish you were here to enjoy some as well, but alas I know it cannot be.
I miss yourself brightening my company as now I must content myself while pursuing the virtues: inspiration, survival, and caffeine.
I have not much news from this side of the world other then that our mutual friend Miss Cannon is studying the science of chemistry tonight leaving me time to complete my correspondence.
The weather here is shockingly cold and they say we may have snow soon, but I surely hope not as that may impede my journey tomorrow in order to see my kin.
I hope this letter finds you as it left me in the best of health and spirits.
Yours etc.
Tabitha Ewert
My response:
Dearest Tabitha,
Your letter has reached me in the best of health and has given me the greatest pleasure in reading it.
I wish to send you my deepest apologies on not being able to join you at this strange place called St Arbucks that you have mentioned. It sounds delightful and quaint. How glad I am that you are enjoying a taste of the local drink! If it is at all possible for you to secure the recipe for making such a delicacy it would please me greatly!
Thank you for the news of Esther, how delighted I am to know that she has continued in the science of chemistry. That always did seem to suit her. It will be most beneficial to her overall knowledge and the furtherance of her education. Wouldn't you agree?
I plead with you to be especially wary in this barbaric weather. A broken limb won't serve you any good or aid you in the passing of exams, and if you disregard my advise and misfortune befalls on you because of it, I will laugh.
There have been recent predictions of more snow.
But tomorrow I plan to settle down with a cup of hot spiced cider and completely ignore those bothersome white snowflakes.
May you have the most enjoyable thanksgiving and find tomorrow to be one of great cheer.
With regards,
Caroline Rose Farris
Needless to say, I much prefer this method of letter writing, instantaneous while at the same time old fashioned :)You'd be surprised how exciting the little red notification on your in-box can be, almost the same as holding a tangible letter in your hand.
My dearest Caroline Rose Farris,
Greetings and salutations from the house of St. Arbucks. I have been here now for ten minutes enjoying the most attentive service of the local. I have in my hand a curious beverage which the locals call coffee (they say it will be all the rage in about one hundred years, and I might concur). The gentleman who served me my beverage added a yellow liquid to my coffee which adds greatly to the fire. I only wish you were here to enjoy some as well, but alas I know it cannot be.
I miss yourself brightening my company as now I must content myself while pursuing the virtues: inspiration, survival, and caffeine.
I have not much news from this side of the world other then that our mutual friend Miss Cannon is studying the science of chemistry tonight leaving me time to complete my correspondence.
The weather here is shockingly cold and they say we may have snow soon, but I surely hope not as that may impede my journey tomorrow in order to see my kin.
I hope this letter finds you as it left me in the best of health and spirits.
Yours etc.
Tabitha Ewert
My response:
Dearest Tabitha,
Your letter has reached me in the best of health and has given me the greatest pleasure in reading it.
I wish to send you my deepest apologies on not being able to join you at this strange place called St Arbucks that you have mentioned. It sounds delightful and quaint. How glad I am that you are enjoying a taste of the local drink! If it is at all possible for you to secure the recipe for making such a delicacy it would please me greatly!
Thank you for the news of Esther, how delighted I am to know that she has continued in the science of chemistry. That always did seem to suit her. It will be most beneficial to her overall knowledge and the furtherance of her education. Wouldn't you agree?
I plead with you to be especially wary in this barbaric weather. A broken limb won't serve you any good or aid you in the passing of exams, and if you disregard my advise and misfortune befalls on you because of it, I will laugh.
There have been recent predictions of more snow.
But tomorrow I plan to settle down with a cup of hot spiced cider and completely ignore those bothersome white snowflakes.
May you have the most enjoyable thanksgiving and find tomorrow to be one of great cheer.
With regards,
Caroline Rose Farris
Needless to say, I much prefer this method of letter writing, instantaneous while at the same time old fashioned :)You'd be surprised how exciting the little red notification on your in-box can be, almost the same as holding a tangible letter in your hand.
Friday, February 11, 2011
I knew I was rejoicing way to soon....
Sunny days are lame.
They come, make people happy and give everyone a glimpse of the kind of beautiful weather it has to offer then they vanish leaving us feeling depressed and mad.
So much for that hopeful thought.
They come, make people happy and give everyone a glimpse of the kind of beautiful weather it has to offer then they vanish leaving us feeling depressed and mad.
So much for that hopeful thought.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Sunny days are here again!
They really are! It's hard to imagine, after so many days and weeks of rain and wind and cold misery, the sun outside feels like heavenly bliss. And not just to me, everyone else thinks so too. People are walking around, blinking their eyes against the bright rays so happy to be out of their dark stale houses. It's amazing the things sunlight does to cheer a person’s soul.
Monday, January 31, 2011
On Turning Ten
I read this in my English class this last week, this writer is so briliant.
The whole idea of it makes me feel
like I'm coming down with something,
something worse than any stomach ache
or the headaches I get from reading in bad light--
a kind of measles of the spirit,
a mumps of the psyche,
a disfiguring chicken pox of the soul.
You tell me it is too early to be looking back,
but that is because you have forgotten
the perfect simplicity of being one
and the beautiful complexity introduced by two.
But I can lie on my bed and remember every digit.
At four I was an Arabian wizard.
I could make myself invisible
by drinking a glass of milk a certain way.
At seven I was a soldier, at nine a prince.
But now I am mostly at the window
watching the late afternoon light.
Back then it never fell so solemnly
against the side of my tree house,
and my bicycle never leaned against the garage
as it does today,
all the dark blue speed drained out of it.
This is the beginning of sadness, I say to myself,
as I walk through the universe in my sneakers.
It is time to say good-bye to my imaginary friends,
time to turn the first big number.
It seems only yesterday I used to believe
there was nothing under my skin but light.
If you cut me I could shine.
But now when I fall upon the sidewalks of life,
I skin my knees. I bleed.
Billy Collins
The whole idea of it makes me feel
like I'm coming down with something,
something worse than any stomach ache
or the headaches I get from reading in bad light--
a kind of measles of the spirit,
a mumps of the psyche,
a disfiguring chicken pox of the soul.
You tell me it is too early to be looking back,
but that is because you have forgotten
the perfect simplicity of being one
and the beautiful complexity introduced by two.
But I can lie on my bed and remember every digit.
At four I was an Arabian wizard.
I could make myself invisible
by drinking a glass of milk a certain way.
At seven I was a soldier, at nine a prince.
But now I am mostly at the window
watching the late afternoon light.
Back then it never fell so solemnly
against the side of my tree house,
and my bicycle never leaned against the garage
as it does today,
all the dark blue speed drained out of it.
This is the beginning of sadness, I say to myself,
as I walk through the universe in my sneakers.
It is time to say good-bye to my imaginary friends,
time to turn the first big number.
It seems only yesterday I used to believe
there was nothing under my skin but light.
If you cut me I could shine.
But now when I fall upon the sidewalks of life,
I skin my knees. I bleed.
Billy Collins
Friday, January 28, 2011
The Coffeehouse
Loud, sharp continues noises, grinding mixing, floating in and out of hearing.
The faint melody of overhead music is barely audible, almost drowned out by conversations going on around me.
Just white noise.
That bitter taste overwhelms my tongue, creamy and strong nearly scorching the roof of my mouth as I try to savor it.
Good dark coffee .
The smell of ground coffee beans drifts by, freshly ground, releasing their aroma to the full room.
It covers my clothes and hair with the smell of roasted coffee. And as I walk out, the scent drifts with me and lingers in the wool of my clothes for hours after.
The faint melody of overhead music is barely audible, almost drowned out by conversations going on around me.
Just white noise.
That bitter taste overwhelms my tongue, creamy and strong nearly scorching the roof of my mouth as I try to savor it.
Good dark coffee .
The smell of ground coffee beans drifts by, freshly ground, releasing their aroma to the full room.
It covers my clothes and hair with the smell of roasted coffee. And as I walk out, the scent drifts with me and lingers in the wool of my clothes for hours after.
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