The bottom most two pictures were taken on the banks of the Noosack River about two miles away from my house. The very same river that flooded so badly this winter it almost touched the underside of freeway bridge crossing it. Now THAT would be one cool picture.
There are some perks to floods though and one of those is driftwood! My sister and I and some friends of ours had just found this perfectly lovely piece of sun soaked beach and we were just about ready to lay down and get a tan when we came up with a better idea instead. We could build a driftwood house! A huge pile of it was nearby and it was just tempting us to use it. Only a homeschooler would give up a perfectly good sleeping opportunity to haul around bug infested logs..... Why? Because we just had to use our budding architectural skills! But it was fun. While playing in the sand and getting a sunburn that day I felt and was, Huckleberry Finn.
The second picture is later that day, when our brothers showed up. We decided to take action shots jumping off sand dunes. Its hard to describe to someone how much fun that really is unless they have actually done it.
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