Monday, March 15, 2010

I sound like Garfield.


I always used to think, what's the big deal about Mondays? But that was before I started college and I had to get up at 5:50 on Monday Wendsday and Friday to catch the bus to school. Wendsday isn't so bad and Friday I'm not even bothered by it. But on Monday morning, as I stand beside my silent and no longer shreaking alarm in the frigid dark, I am reminded once again how much I HATE Mondays. It's just about all I can take for me NOT to climb back into my warm and comfy bed, forget about English and just go back to sleep. Why does that essay need to be due today, on a Monday, right after Sunday?

Sometimes I just stand there by the alarm, swaying back and forth asleep on my feet like a horse, to tired to even walk the few feet back to my bed. But then Hannah comes in and I slowly head for the bathroom, limp both in mind and body feeling like I have a hangover. A Sunday Hangover.

Funny thing is, I can't wait until next Sunday.....

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